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Calculate Brokerage On Paytm Money App4 min read

June 16, 2021
Brokerage Calculator

Calculate Brokerage On Paytm Money App4 min read

A brokerage calculator is an essential tool for a trader that gives him clarity on the break up of brokerage & other taxes charged. Paytm Money’s brokerage calculator feature not only helps the user know the transaction charges but also gets the exact breakeven prices to sell stocks at a profit.

Brokerage Calculator helps the user estimate the Brokerage that will be charged for a particular trade along with Taxes and Other Charges.

To access Brokerage Calculator you need to click on the three-dot menu in the stocks dashboard on the Paytm Money app and select the Brokerage Calculator option, whereas on the website you can click on the User name present on the Top Right Corner of the Equity Page and then Select the Brokerage Calculator Option.

We have Three Different Calculators for Separate Segments

Equity Cash Segment
Options Segment
Futures Segment

1. Equity Cash Segment Brokerage Calculator

One has to enter three points to get the brokerage calculation

  • Buy Price
  • Sell Price
  • Quantity

Let’s take an example of Buy Price Rs. 2000, Sell Price Rs. Rs. 2100 and Quantity 100.

Let’s look at the break up of Brokerage Calculation

Brokerage Calculator

Intraday Brokerage & Charges (Equity Cash)

We have entered both Buy and Sell prices. Hence the Brokerage is Rs. 10 for Buy and Rs. 10 for Sell, total of Rs 20 as seen above.

Other Charges are charged by Exchanges as a % of trade value and it covers below. You can get details from (

  • Exchange Turnover Charges (0.00345% of turnover for NSE and 0.003% of turnover for BSE)
  • GST (18% on Brokerage and Exchange Turnover Charges)
  • Security Transaction Charges (STT) (0.025% of turnover on sell orders)
  • SEBI Turnover Fees (0.00005% of turnover)
  • Stamp Duty (0.003% of turnover on buy orders)

You can come to know the Overall chargers (Rs. 96.82), Total Turnover (Rs. 4.10 lakh), and Break even (No Profit No Loss Price) – Rs. 2000.94 as seen above.

The most important part that Paytm Money offers in its brokerage calculator is the Net Profit / Loss you can make out of the trade. As Seen above it’s Rs. 9903.18 (Net Profit out of the trade entered).

Delivery Brokerage & Charges (Equity Cash)

Delivery charges are Rs. 0.01/- per executed order.

Other charges remain the same as covered in the Intraday Equity Cash Charges, however, there are 2 changes as below:

STT is 0.1% of turnover on buy and sell orders & Stamp Duty is 0.015% of turnover on buy orders

2. Options Brokerage Calculator

In the case of Options, we charge Rs. 10 per order which is one of the lowest in the Industry.

Let’s take an example of Buy Price Rs. 100, Sell Price Rs. 120, and Qty 100 (Lot Size).

Thus as we can see the Brokerage charged is Rs. 20 ( 10 for Buy and 10 for Sell). The brokerage charged is the same for Intraday as well as Overnight trades in options.

Other charges as taxes are charged as prescribed by Exchange, you can get the details from the pricing page (

Brokerage CAlculator Paytm Money

One can come to know the Break-Even Price (Rs. 100.41 in the above example) and Net Profit (Rs. 1956.33 in Intraday and Overnight Options Trade) as seen above.

This helps you to make better decisions while placing the Buy & Sell Orders.

3. Futures Brokerage Calculator

In the case of Futures Trades Brokerage is charged as 0.02% of turnover or Rs. 10/- per Executed Order, whichever is lower.

Let’s take an example of the below trade for calculating Futures Brokerage
Nifty Lot Size (Qty) – 75
Buy Price – 14500
Sell Price – 14300

Paytm Money Brokerage Calculator
  • As we can see the Total Brokerage is Rs. 20 ( Rs. 10 for Buy & Sell Each).
  • Other charges are a bit high than options as the Total Turnover is high (Rs. 21.6 lakh in case of the above trade).
  • Other charges and Taxes are charged as per Exchange prescribed charges and can be checked from our pricing page link (
  • Net Profit and Sell (Breakeven) Price (Rs. 14526.18 as seen above) helps you in arriving at Net Profit / Loss price (- Rs. 16944.42, loss in above trade) and also helps in making trade decisions.

Some important Pointers for Brokerage Calculator

  • The brokerage calculator does not include platform fees, depository charges, auto square off charges, and other fees. Refer to the Account Opening Form for detailed charges and fees.
  • Customers residing in Sikkim are exempt from Stamp Duty charges.


Brokerage Calculator is a helpful tool that will give Paytm Money users the exact brokerage breakup and also help them to identify the break-even price for any trade. Paytm Money’s tech team is working day in and day out to provide the best features to enable ease of investing.

Disclaimer – “Investment in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Brokerage will not exceed the SEBI prescribed limit

Paytm Money Ltd SEBI Reg No. Broking – INZ000240532. NSE (90165), BSE(6707) Regd Office: 136, 1st Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, Delhi – 110019. For complete Terms & Conditions and Disclaimers visit”