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Paytm Launches Fin-Ed-Tech Platform PAYTM WEALTH ACADEMY4 min read

December 15, 2021
paytm wealth academy early access


Paytm Launches Fin-Ed-Tech Platform PAYTM WEALTH ACADEMY4 min read

“You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.”

These wise words come from a person who started investing in the stock market from the tender age of 11. He is none other than Mr. Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time.

Education has always taken a center stage when it comes to the socio-economic well-being of any nation. But we aren’t talking about learning alphabets and numbers here. Rather we will be bringing you the ABCD of investing and 1234 of trading. Sounds confused?

Cutting the clutter, we at Paytm are going to help you do away with the uncertainty around the ‘what, why, which, when and how’ of managing your money. And what better way than to learn trading and financial concepts at one’s own pace and comfort level? But mind you, this kind of education can tickle your funny bones sometimes!

Introducing Paytm Wealth Academy where you will get to learn about everything under the ‘financial’ sun. From trading to investing, from stocks to mutual funds, from futures to options, from generating money to saving money, this platform is the one-stop practical solution for 18 to 80 year olds to choose from a wide catalogue of courses and webinars. We will make financial education more interesting than ever before!

paytm wealth academy screen

So what’s in store for you in Paytm Wealth Academy?

1. Self-paced learning courses:

Worry not, these are not your regular classroom lessons. These self-paced learning courses follow the do-it-yourself mode. Select your preferred course and module, and embark on an interactive and intriguing journey ranging from understanding IPOs to selecting stocks to creating your own portfolio.

And that’s not all, we will help you ace your trading game in futures & options, and analyse it ‘technically.’

journey with paytm wealth academy

2. Expert led live sessions (Webinars):

But what if you are someone who likes to get tutored by experts? These live sessions are straight from the horses’ mouth.

Market stalwarts like Sankha Mukherjee, Neeraj Gogoi, having years of experience are here to cover a wide range of topics such as Options Trading Strategies (spreads, straddles, strangles), Price Action Trading, Technical Analysis, International Investments, IPO Dynamics in English, Hindi and many other regional languages like Gujarati, Tamil.

Some customizable features of Paytm Wealth Academy include anytime access to courses in a mobile friendly format, skipping modules to reach your preferred topic, simple shareable swipe card format, explainer videos, hyperlinked keywords, comprehensive assessment to measure the outcome of your knowledge, among others.

expert led sessions on paytm wealth academyEven though many educational platforms have been in business for quite some time now, Paytm Wealth Academy will bridge the need for a structured and customizable ed-tech platform, catering to all types of investors and traders.

Also, did you happen to come across any of the masterclasses hosted by Paytm Money in recent times? This had been a hit among many budding investors and veteran traders. 

We analysed the data and it showed that sessions on mutual funds, options trading and ETFs attracted a heavy inflow of learners. The foundation masterclass on ETFs has by far seen the highest turnout with around 2700 participants, followed by asset allocation masterclass.

See what some of them have to say:


But that one pressing question remains, is financial learning really a bore? Will it adhere to the young investors since a poll conducted by Paytm Money showed that nearly 35% of the learners seek millennials to preside in live sessions.

Paytm Wealth Academy’s fintech courses and live sessions have been created and curated keeping in mind an older audience who seek conventional training methods, as well as a younger audience who seek to learn it the fun way and through a more-hands-on approach.

But what do you get after the completion of the course? A certificate, and of course, a bundle of knowledge to pace up your way to financial freedom.

So eliminate the gripping fear around financial literacy and learn it from scratch with a seamless experience at the Paytm Wealth Academy. Users can access all webinars & courses via 1-year subscription or pay for individual webinars as well.

Master your trades and get your money game going!

master trades with paytm wealth academy

Disclaimer: This content is purely for educational, information and investor awareness purposes only.

  1. Karan singhaal

    How do i get early access ?? Kindly share the process.

    • Paytm Money Team

      Hi Karan, To apply for early access, log into paytm money app. On the homepage, there will be a section about Paytm Wealth Academy (PWA) where you can apply for early access. If you are not able to see the section on the homepage, then kindly update your app. Upon Updating if PWA section is still not visible, then you'll have to wait for a couple of days to get the 3.3 version of the build to apply for early access.

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