Paytm Money Product Updates July 2021 – What’s New? Let’s Find Out2 min read
At Paytm Money, our product team is working continuously to make your investment experience simpler and seamless.
Let’s look at the new features that our team has introduced in the latest Paytm Money app release with respect to Portfolio.
Portfolio Enhancements – View Weightage, Holdings Breakup, Downtime messaging
View Stock Weightage
You can view the Holding performance in detail in this section. Here we have added information on the Portfolio weightage. You can understand the weightage of the stock and get a picture of how this stock holding contributes to the overall performance.

View Holdings Breakdown
You can see the breakdown of holding total buy qty here in this section. This will give you a detailed understanding of the transactions done.

New in-App Ledger History – Easy to access, simple to read & understand
- Ledger Statement similar to a Bank Account Statement with minimal Data points like Date, Description, Amount & Balance.
- We have implemented Icons & colors to make the Ledger More interactive instead of using traditional terms like Debit & Credit.
- Ledger History is visible upfront instead of Dropdown.
- Pending Settlements will show all pending transactions to be settled along with the Settlement Date. Yellow icon indicates pending status.
- Upfront Balance – Previous (Ledger Closing) + Pending Settlements = Closing Balance (Overall). Give one view of your overall balance.
- We are only showing the most recent 50 Transactions of the Ledger, for getting Historic details you will have to use Download Statement.
- Closing Balance now tallies with the Current Balance, if no settlement of trades is pending.

This feature is live on the Web and iOS. Coming soon on Android.
View Recent IPOs on Stocks Dashboard
You can view IPOed stocks that have been listed recently. Check out the gains they have garnered since listing day!

Our team has worked hard to release the new & improved updates for enhanced app experience and seamless investment journey.
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