Dos, Don’ts, Rights & Responsibilities of Investing | SEBI’s Investor Charter2 min read
SEBI’s new Investor Charter includes rights, responsibilities, do’s and don’ts of investing in the securities market.
This Investor Charter comes forth based on the vision of SEBI to primarily protect the interest of investors. And how does SEBI do this? By enabling them to understand the risks involved and help them invest in fair, transparent, secure market, and to get services in a timely & efficient manner.
Below is a quick glimpse of the Charter!
Rights of Investors
- Get fair and equitable treatment.
- Expect redressal of investor grievances filed in SCORES in a time-bound manner.
- Get quality services from SEBI recognized Market Infrastructure Institutions & SEBI registered intermediaries/regulated entities/Asset Management Companies.
Responsibilities of Investors
- Deal with SEBI recognized Market Infrastructure Institutions and SEBI registered intermediaries/regulated entities only.
- Update their contact details like address, mobile number, email address, nomination, etc and other key KYC details in case of any change.
- Ensure that grievances are taken up with the concerned entities within time limits prescribed.Ensure that their accounts are operated only for their own benefit.
Dos for Investors
- Read and understand the documents carefully before investing.
- Know about Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
- Know the risks involved before investing.
- Keep track of account statements and promptly bring any discrepancy noticed to the concerned stock exchange, intermediary or Asset Management Company.
- Know about various fees, charges, margins, premiums etc involved in the transactions.
- Preserve relevant transaction-related documents.
Don’ts for Investors
- Don’t make payments in cash while making any investment in the securities market, beyond the prescribed limit.
- Don’t share your critical information like account details, login ids, passwords, DIS, etc with anyone.
Disclaimer – This content is purely for informational purpose and in no way advice or a recommendation.Investment in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. The securities quoted are exemplary and are not recommendatory. Paytm Money Ltd SEBI Reg No. Broking – INZ000240532. NSE (90165), BSE(6707) Regd Office: 136, 1st Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, Delhi – 110019