Trading Holiday Calendar 20221 min read
A very Happy & Prosperous New Year. Hope the resolutions that you kicked off are showing returns already!
While we, more than anyone else, know the hard work and diligence that you put in to make the best investments, we thought you could add some luck and good wishes to aid you on your journey!
We added a special wish and reminder for each trading holiday in 2022 to make that mini break from the market significant.
Trust us, we got you covered. In 2022, you can enjoy a total of 13 trading holidays. From the first holiday that falls in January, to the last one in November, we got it all under one roof for you.
Make sure you don’t miss any of them!
You can refer to the holiday calendar in the tabular form and also download the attached PDF and have it for keeps.
It’s been wonderful being your partner through 2021 and here’s us hoping for a stronger 2022.
We once again wish you a very Happy New Year, the one where you get a lot of joys, small breaks and profits.